Works In Progress 3

With all the chaos and confusion going on in the world right now, I’ve noticed many writers doing less blogging and I seem to have succumbed to it myself. It’s probably not surprising as we’ve had weighty matters to get our heads around and no doubt family to look after. But there is only so much news you can listen to without feeling overloaded, frustrated, and helpless, so my fall back position, as ever, is my creative life, and I suspect many of you feel the same and return to the same. So this post features what I’ve been up to in this regard and there are masses of pictures!

But first, a wee seasonal musing. The clocks went back a week ago and darkness descended, along with buffeting winds and rains to announce ‘winter is coming’ – a nice catch phrase from the popular drama series, Game of Thrones! There is a feeling of oppression in the season which is compounded for many of us by imminent or current increased social restrictions due to covid 19. But there may be another way of looking at this darkness and restriction, which I came across through reading a post on Galen Pearl’s blog, No Way Café, entitled Embracing Yin.

As Galen says, ‘Yin is still, receptive, dark, nurturing. It is the womb from which creation emerges. It is the fertile earth. It is the energy of gathering, returning to the source, the energy of harvest. Its season is fall.’ After the outward and forceful yang energy of the summer which we have just been through with its weather extremes and passionate social discord and dysfunction, we need the yin of autumn for balance. An article from Five Element Healing expands on this:

‘Winter teaches us that the only way to fully enjoy the powers of the season is to surrender to it and learn from what it has to offer us. In winter the earth lies fallow; nature appears frozen and dead. In this deep stillness of nature, winter calls us to look into our depths, to reconnect to our inner being, to befriend the darkness within us and around us. In winter—like the seeds that are beginning their metamorphosis and starting to manifest their destiny in the deep recesses of the earth—all of our energies are being called to examine the depths of our being.’

And I would argue the creative life is a tangible pathway to this growth of the spirit in winter – it nurtures, it sustains.

Some autumn scenes outside my door, from back garden, to country lane, to maple leaves:

Now onwards with sharing my works in progress:

1. I’ve finished a 50 by 60cm acrylic on canvas, which I shared earlier in the year. Here are the stages as a reminder and the final result, which I’m very happy with. It’s a yang extravaganza of colour and energy!

2. And I’ve just realised my current painting in progress happens to be calm and serene in contrast, so I must be seeking some yin balance.  I’ve chosen to paint a warm gentle sea  – as shown, and into the foreground I’m going to paint some soft grasses and seed heads, before returning to finish the lighting in the sky. I’ve kept the sea as softly defined as possible because I don’t want it to compete for attention with the foreground textures and structures.

3. Do you ever return to something you’ve made or created because every time you catch sight of it, niggles prickle you?

Well, this wall hanging has been prickling me. Why? There is no defined grounding for the plant life and stones, and the bands of crocheted colours, although easier to crochet in this striped manner, are just too regular.

So I’ve added some dark burgundy chain stitching to the base of the flowers and pebbles to help them to visually pop out, and I’m currently adding some trees to break up the monotony of the composition in the upper half of the hanging.

4. In a similar vein, I did eventually finish my afghan squares throw, after sharing it with you earlier when nearing the finishing line. A reminder:

On went a three coloured border to complete using, pink, pale turquoise and purple.

But I found the whole thing too stretchy when handling because I hadn’t realised the lacy aspect of the afghan squares can cause this to happen – in particular a wheel design I used – not to mention the fact that you can so easily catch your fingers in the open network of holes. So this won’t do! as by my nature, I prefer works to be robust, whatever they happen to be. The solution, I hope, after all the work that’s gone into this, is to back it with a fleece blanket to support all the squares, and the pale turquoise fleece I’ve chosen is on its way to me in the post. The challenge will be to find an appropriate way of bonding the two layers together. Here’s a close up so you can see what I mean:

5. And finally, writing. My current novel in progress is going well, albeit slowly. I’m about to tackle the alternative health industry in my next scene, where the main characters are visiting a Mind, Body, Spirit Festival. They will duly collide when some chaos ensues. It’s a few years now since I imagined writing about this environment and the attendant complexities surrounding the subject, so I’ve slowed right down, wanting to get it right, at least from my own perspective. But I’ll be pleased when I can move on past this to my mid-act turning point scene – a Christmas day dinner with dramatic revelations over the turkey and cranberry sauce.

So this is where I’m at just now, and dealing with the current world events is an on-going major work in progress for us all. I hope you are getting some respite or solace from your creative pursuits or nature itself, and maybe can embrace a little yin.

Until next time, Namaste from me to you :>)

About lynnefisher

Writer and visual artist living in Scotland, INFJ type Writer's blog: Art: Twitter @LynneHendFisher Writers page Facebook Artists page Facebook
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19 Responses to Works In Progress 3

  1. Lovely to see your creations Lynne.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. candidkay says:

    Oh, I’m with you. My muse has been hiding out a bit but I’m feeling the need for creative pursuits more than ever. She hides when I chase. When I relax, she meanders back in. Hmph:). Love that you keep on keepin’ on. I’m trying to do the same.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Judith says:

    Beautiful works! It’s interesting how the pandemic has affected us… so many different emotions, so much time for personal reflection, and yet so many frustrations all added into the mix. Combine that with the change of season, the descent of darkness, and the threat of winter, and creative expression can surge one moment and plummet the next. I think it will be fascinating to see all the art that emerges from this turbulent time in world history.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lynnefisher says:

      Thank you, Judith! Yes, I’ve been spotting a lot of craft going on when checking into some blogs. A friend of mine, who I haven’t seen since our first lockdown in March, said to me yesterday, when i asked how covid times had affected her crafts lifestyle, that she had gone into an early winter mode – all about inner life craft production, rather than going to outer life craft events. So winter mode came early and now we will have more of a real winter mode as a prolonged continuation. Yet, others have found it too stressful or depressing to create. So I think you’re right about ‘surging and plummeting’ creative expression. And it will indeed be interesting to see what art emerges from these times!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. JustBeingMe says:

    I love your art work. It’s stunning!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Sounds like you are doing well, and your projects are both beautiful and inspiring. Like you, I have fallen back on my creative outlet (writing) to keep me sane during the pandemic. Lately, the accumulated stress has caught up with me and even writing has become stunted and less joyful. Anyway, your post was breath of fresh air – thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lynnefisher says:

      Thank you, Alexander. I do feel in a bit of a rut here, though I’m sure I’m not alone in this, but writing/crafting keeps me going and we’re very lucky to be living where we do. I hope there is an easing for you soon and joy enters you again with your writing. Cheers for now :>)

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Bryan Wagner says:

    You are talented and have a great heart, your art speaks. I have noticed that it’s not the weather, for me it’s how I am with the weather. So this post spoke volumes about that. Celebrating who we are in life can become a priority. The how we are can be the one thing that we can always examine and adjust in life. Thanks for this, be well my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • lynnefisher says:

      Thank you so much, Bryan. You’re right of course, it’s about our own response to the weather. You say: ”The how we are can be the one thing that we can always examine and adjust in life” – this is so right too. It’s the essence of our life no matter what is going on externally. Not only that, in an existential sense, it’s all that really matters. Cheers for now :>)

      Liked by 1 person

  7. What a lovely, welcome post, Lynne. I love the musing on yin. I think that’s one reason I love this season: I love going inward and slowing down. I love the quieter days (theoretically quieter). I love the colors of the season and then the simplicity. Your photos are gorgeous! What a great scenic view out your back door.
    To me, the wall hanging looked perfect—but WOW! What a difference the burgundy chain stitching made. I appreciate how you have so many talents and interests AND actually make time for them. I have to get back to some of my other creative pleasures. I think that will make my writing flow even better. I used to sew, tole paint, mixed-media, bead, etc. It’s been too long. You’ve inspired me to get one (of many!) unfinished project out today and start again. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • lynnefisher says:

      Hi Cheryl, thank you so much for your appreciative comments. I do get so much of my life meaning from creative projects and nature combined, and as long as the house ‘looks clean’ that will do for me! There’s only me, hubby, and the cat here, so without being a domestic goddess in the kitchen, or wanting to be ;>) it’s easy to find the time, especially as I’ve finished my life phase of college courses. As Libby Summers, a writer, said here before in a comment on making choices between ‘crafts’ – ‘go where the juice is’, so I think we have to do this now, more than ever. I had to look up your tole painting – wow, lovely craft! I think we call it folk art over here. I hope you manage to pick up one or to pursuits now we’ve entered winter, and of course I’m happy to spark a little inspiration in you. Cheers for now :>)

      Liked by 1 person

  8. anne54 says:

    Lynne, your thoughts about yin resonate with me. The Autumn need to gather resources, both physical and inner, is even more necessary at the moment as you head into Winter. It is interesting to see how you art work is changing.
    Your poppy painting is stunning, so vibrant, and yet holds the delicacy of the poppy. I like what you are doing with the wall hanging. Grounding the stones and stems works so well, especially as the meandering line breaks up the horizontal lines. I think the trees are a good idea too, as they will enhance the sense of looking to a distant ocean.
    Good luck with your writing!

    Liked by 1 person

    • lynnefisher says:

      Thank you, Anne. Gathering resources puts it so well, also a time of reflection in so many life ways. I’m reassured you like my edits to the wall hanging. I’m so enjoying doing the trees, and I’m breaking up the horizontal lines there too. The ocean is pulling me to be tweaked too, but not sure how yet. Stay well and safe. I know you will be enjoying your creative projects too and i’ll be popping across to see what you’ve been doing :>)

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Well done, and best of luck with everything! Happy National Author’s Day!

    Liked by 1 person

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